Part IIntrOductiOn ……………………………………………………………………………1Part llLegal Aspects 0f the ExclusiOn CIauses and the COOrdination BetweenBills 0f Lading and the Marine CargO POIicies ……………………………5Chapter Oile Important Issues Concerning the General Function of the Exclusion Clausesin Bills of Lading and of the Insured Perils Clauses or Exclusion CIauses in Ma rjne CargoP01icl‘es………………………………………………………………………………7Chapter Two The Examination of the Excluded Perils under the Bills of Lading Statutesand the Risks Allocation through the Coordination Between the Bills of Lading Statutesand the Marl‘ne Cargo P。licies…………………………………………………………91Chapter Three InCident Bars to the Right Under the Exclusion Clauses in the Bills 0fLading Statutes and to the Right Under the Insuyed Perils Clauses in t11e Marine CargoPolicies…………………………………………………………………………………155PartlllLegal Aspects Of the Limitation Of LiabiIity Clause,the Limitation OfAction CIauses in the Bills 0f Lading Statutes and Their Impact On theMarine Carg0 P0licies………………………………………………………………259Chapter Four General Legal Issues About the Limitation of Liabnity Clauses and theLimitation of Action Clauses in Bills or Lading………………………………………261Chapter Five The Amounts of the Limitation and the Periods of Limitation Under in theBilIs of Lading Statutes ………………………………………………………………273Chapter Six Bars to the Limitation of LiabiliLy Clauses and the Limitation of ActionClaus~s in the BiUs of Lading Statutes …………………………………………303Chapter Seven Impact of the Statutory Limitatlon of Liab订ity Clauses and the Limitationof Action Clauses in the BillsOf Lading Statutes on the Marine Cargo Policies…………………………………………………………………………………………316Part IVCOnclusiOn ………………………………………………………………………………320
版权页:The significance of determining whether the carrier has breached his obligation in bailment or has breached his obligation in tort should not be underestimated. For instance, if the claim is based on the breach of the carrier's obligation in bailment rather than on the breach of his obligation in tort, the carrier will find himself bearing the initial burden of proof to disprove his negligence, while in tort the initial burden of proof is on the claimant to prove the negligence of the defendant. 1.1.3 Summary of the Levels of the Carriers' Liability at Common LawIf there is no contractual relationship between the carrier and the cargo owner, the carrier's liability can only be founded in non-contractual bailment and in tort. When the carrier and the cargo owner are direct contracting parties to each other and when the contract between them either does not start or is terminated or expired, the carrier's liability towards the cargo owner is also only founded in non-contractual bailment and in tort.